A coming of age story about love, loss and revenge centers around two teenage friends, Adam and Marek, whose aimless lives in a small town are suddenly disrupted by the appearance of Anna, the troubled daughter of a rich and influential local businessman. Initially her free spirit energizes Adam but soon he finds himself thrown into a spiraling chain of events. His innocence is about to be abruptly replaced with the adult emotions of guilt, fear and revenge.
DIRECTOR Radim Špaček
SCREENPLAY Ondřej Štindl
D.O.P. Jaromír Kačer
EDITOR Jana Vlčková
SOUND Marek Hart, Viktor Prášil
PRODUCER Vratislav Šlajer
CO-PRODUCERS Jordi Niubó, Zuzana Mistríková, Lubica Orechovská
i/o post grading, online / VFX, DCP mastering
CAST Vladimír Polívka, Jan Cina, Johana Matoušková, Jiří Štrébl, Robert Nebřenský, Taťjana Medvecká, Jakub Gogál
Ceny české filmové kritiky 2014 cena za nejlepší kameru